Why Do People Like BTS

If anyone is keeping up with the trending world they must have heard the name BTS. BTS(Bangtan Saniyodan) is a K-pop music band that is just breaking all the records one after another.
BTS members on stage
Being an Asian music band it is quite challenging to make entry into the worldwide music industry. But BTS not only made an entry but also beat quite a lot of records like getting constructive 3 social artist award, recently nominated to Grammy music Awards, performing to AGT to Wembley stadium with a huge crowd and selling all the tickets within 10 min.
BTS Live Show People Crowd

Now the question arises to everyone's mind how they are doing this? Why do people like BTS so much? Well, this secret actually hides in their music. While the other k-pop bands are used to concentrating on visual music and the trend BTS actually break the traditional way of k-pop music.

BTS Army

If you ask how? Well with the other qualities of k-pop BTS concentrates on the lyrics also. In all their songs you can find a meaningful message. While some of them speak about loving your own self like the songs - “Magic Shop, Epiphany, Anpanman”. Some speak about ignoring the negativity in songs named - “So What, Go GO, Am I Wrong, Spine breaker” and some are inspiring in one's anxiety -” Mikrokosmos, Stay Gold, Zero O, Clock & Spring Day”. All the music lovers mention that BTS songs are healing and calming to the mind. Many BTS army members say-’BTS actually helps them to get over depression and anxiety’, which is really a great achievement for any musician. 

BTS Army Before A live Show

With all the above aspects about their music, BTS also speaks about a lot of stereotypes like END Violence Programme, LGBTQ Support, TOXIC Masculinity, and many other things.

BTS Army's taking photos

Moreover, the way BTS communicates with their fans also attracts a lot of people's attention. The way they behave is like they are some of your own family members or some really close person to you. And what else does anyone need to love someone? They are a full package of talent, fun, entertainment, and warmth. 

BTS Army Bomb light

Crazy Army's before entering on a live show

Army's holding their favorite bias BTS member portrait